Blockchain and Public Record Keeping: Of Temples, Prisons, and the (Re)Configuration of Power - Victoria Lemieux
(with personal notes)
Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression - Jacques Derrida
Psychopolitics - Byung-Chul Han
Information Technology
The Virtual Community Chapter 10: Disinformocracy - Howard Rheingold
You Think You Want Media Literacy... Do You? - danah boyd
Data Voids - Golebiewski, boyd
In Praise of Fake Reviews - Tom Slee
On the Existence of Digital Objects - Yuk Hui
Long Truth
Time and Realism: Metaphysical and Antimetaphysical Perspectives - Yuval Dolev
Videophilosophy The Perception of Time in Post-Fordism - Maurizio Lazzarato
Time and Sacrifice in the Aztec Cosmos - Kay Almere Read
The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism - Barry Stroud
Short Truth
Freud and False Memory Syndrome - Phil Mollon
Wandering Significance: An Essay on Conceptual Behaviour - Mark Wilson